This site is still a work in progress...
Fun Stuff

Do you want your very own Misty's World button on your site?
Click here to get one!

I proudly present to you the all new, all improved Misty's World Buttons!

If you want to use these on your site, right click on one to save it instead of just hotlinking it. Hotlinking is a pain because it makes both of our sites slower.

Oh yeah, I also made these other buttons on Photoshop and Paint years ago. Use them if you want...

Here's a banner advert I also made. If you think it looks rubbish, it's because I'm not that good with Photoshop yet.

If you want some lovely otome themed buttons, please click here to visit my massive otome button collection. If you want just regular buttons, I suggest visiting this cool site to get some.

There are some other buttons I made that are still floating around Neocities. I deleted them from here because I thought that they were rubbish, but it turns out that people actually used them! One man's trash is another man's treasure, I guess... I've located some of them and put them here. It's really weird browsing someone else's site and finding something I've made, especially when they're on some of the most popular Neocities pages. It makes me feel proud, but I won't be able to claim credit for them if I don't put them on my site!! Yes, I know it sounds like I'm hungry for Internet fame. Maybe I am, but that's OK, isn't it?